March 31, 2010

Workforce Women Wearing Hats

She is confident. She is determined. She is working hard. When a woman in the workforce wears a hat she demands respect and shows that she knows how to get the job done.
Working girl hats are often required as the will provide safety on the job. Employers will usually provide you with a hardhat if you don't have your own.

Enforcing the law is a detail that can never be overlooked. Many guys will surrender their very being when such a cap is introduced in the bedroom.

Working the fields is not an easy job either and shading your skin from the hot sun is vital.

The Stewardess or Flight Attendants wear a hat as part of their uniform giving them a professional edge.

You don't see many nurses actually wearing these hats anymore but this is yet another that could steam up your night time adventures with your partner!

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